La transparence autour de Saulie Zajdel

Lu dans le Senior Times…

Tory candidate’s government salary a secret

Saulie Zajdel

Le candidat conservateur battu dans Mont-Royal, Saulie Zajdel, ex-conseiller municipal, ex-membre du conseil exécutif de Montréal, a été embauché par le Parti conservateur. Il travaille maintenant pour Héritage Canada.

Curieux, le Senior Times a appelé les bureaux du nouveau boss de Saulie Zajdel, le ministre James Moore, pour savoir:

Quels sont ses fonctions, son salaire et la durée de son mandat? Réponse de Sébastien Gariepy, l’attaché de Moore: “We do not comment on internal staffing issues.”

So much for transparency.

Sébastien Gariepy a même refusé de donner le numéro de téléphone du bureau de Zajdel.

Le Senior Times a quand même appris que Zajdel travaillera comme conseiller régional  “community outreach and relations—going out into the community, in Montreal, in the anglophone and allophone communities, ensuring that what the government is doing is understood.”

“He also was going to determine how his government can “help the communities and municipalities” apply for programs under Canadian Heritage.

Sounds like Zajdel has been appointed to be a privileged channel, supplanting the role that the elected MP and his staff should be able to do. […]

This appointment has every appearance of setting Zajdel up as a parallel MP, minus the public mandate, a patronage appointment that is a slap in the face to voters who rejected Tory candidates as they exercised their democratic rights.”