Archives de mot-clé : poulet

L’excellente chronique du New Yorker, Annals of Food, porte sur les poulets contaminés


A Bug in the System: Why last night’s chicken made you sick. Wil. S. Hylton  (….) Each year, contaminated food sickens forty-eight million Americans, of whom a hundred and twenty-eight thousand are hospitalized,… Lire la suite

Comment le poulet a conquis le monde


By Jerry Adler and Andrew Lawler, Smithsonian Magazine … The Chicken Story By John Steele Gordon, Americain Heritage A CENTURY AGO you’d eat steak and lobster when you couldn’t afford chicken. Today it can… Lire la suite

Le Danemak prouve qu’on peut produire des poulets qui ne sont jamais porteurs de salmonellose


Salmonella is NOT an inherent part of chicken, proves Denmark This one explains why. [USDA] announced a plan last year to stem Salmonella. Its goal is to reduce illnesses by 25 percent by 2020.… Lire la suite