The Longer I’m Prime Minister: Stephen Harper and Canada 2006- Paul Wells

Random House

« Il explique Harper non seulement à ses supporteurs mais aussi à ceux qui ne veulent pas croire qu’il est encore Premier ministre du Canada »
Entrevue avec l’auteur


(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

In Wells’ view, Harper’s long term goal « is to hold transfers to individuals, pensions and the like, and to provinces, for health care, steady and in fact to grow those transfers over time, while the direct spending of the federal government as a portion of GDP declines over time. » So in recent budgets, and at least the next couple to come, « you have announcements of billions of dollars to the day-to-day operations of the federal government. »

Wells suggests that when there is a balanced budget, Harper’s approach to dealing with any surplus will be to announce massive tax cuts, in keeping with his belief that « Canadians actually would prefer less government to more. » As for how lasting his legacy will be in the political landscape of Canada, Wells noted that « the test of Harperism begins after he’s done being prime minister. »


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